Step #8: Putting Together an Offer
When the searching is done, it's time to make an offer. Clearly, you want the best value for your money, but price isn't the only measure of a good deal. There's a value in how well the home you've chosen meets all of your criteria. There's a value (or cost) to repairs and improvements you want. These and other, less-specific measures of value are all condensed and translated into the price you offer to pay.
You'll have my extensive experience on your side as you evaluate the offer you prepare. There is a lot of money at stake, of course, but also in play are the lives of two families - yours and the seller's. Beyond the actual offer price are a multitude of details, about financing, timing, specifics on closing, personal property, deeds, restrictions, other contingencies, etc., etc.
The process of putting together the offer is one of the best reasons to work with a Realtor with my level of experience and training. I've been a part of thousands of transactions over the years (yes, thousands.) I've seen and solved just about everything you're likely to encounter. Not only that, I work regularly with experts in every facet of real estate, and can put you in touch with the pros you may need.
Your formal offer is made in writing, and includes a good-faith deposit that represents a meaningful commitment to proceed with a sale if and when the seller accepts the offer. While you may find some elements of the offer to read like a foreign language, you are making a binding, enforceable legal promise to perform. I'll help you understand all terms of the offer that you don't understand completely.
Often the sellers of the home you want are working with another real estate agent, and all communication regarding the offer is conducted through me and the other agent. It's only natural (and prudent) for a seller to have a real estate professional looking out for their interests.
Realize too that the purchase and sale of the house you want is often part of a chain of purchases and sales of other homes - You may have a home to sell before you can move to a new home; your sellers are also likely to be involved in buying a new home - and the string of related transactions may extend further. That's why it is so important to have someone like me to help keep everything on track. Fortunately, virtually everyone along the chain of buyers and sellers has a strong personal and professional interest in getting deals closed.
So, after due consideration, discussion, and a bit of finger-crossing, you make an offer on the house you hope to make your home.
Your Key Step - Putting Together an Offer:
Use my help to turn all the monetary and subjective value you see in the house you like most into an offer that represents a good value